Search For flown In Quotes 4

Success is full of promise till one gets it and then it seems like a nest from which the bird has flown.

With all the knowledge and skill acquired in thousands of flights in the last ten years I would hardly think today of making my first flight on a strange machine in a twenty-seven mile wind even if I knew that the machine had already been flown and was safe.

I've flown across America I've scaled fences I've stood under windows and gone out of my way hundreds of times. I'm a hopeless romantic. There's no hope for me.

I would like to mention that I have flown the 262 first in May '43. At this time the aircraft was completely secret. I first knew of the existence of this aircraft only early in '42 - even in my position. This aircraft didn't have any priority in design or production.

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I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you're really desperate you say a few prayers and hope for the best. That's the way I've always lived my life.