Search For flops In Quotes 4

I have the same pet peeve as Anderson Cooper which is bare feet in public. I hate it. It so grosses me out especially in New York. Oh my God New York in the summer with people and their feet in their sandals and their flip-flops like get it away!

I think that when you get dressed in the morning sometimes you're really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flipflops you're saying: 'Hope I don't get chased today.' 'Be nice to people in sneakers.'

'Howard the Duck!' That's a really interesting movie. I appreciate my career because I've had a lot of very interesting ups and downs and most people... That movie is such a famous flop. In a land of a lot of flops it's kind of awesome to be in a really famous flop. I mean it's kind of a poster child for flops.

I'd wear flip-flops and jeans. I guess that's not cool.