Search For fewest In Quotes 6

Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.

Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.

Good men have the fewest fears. He has but one great fear who fears to do wrong he has a thousand who has overcome it.

The best men of the best epochs are simply those who make the fewest blunders and commit the fewest sins.

He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles.

Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred in the room.

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Well just meeting J. K. Rowling was amazing because she created all this world. And all the fans we all get so obsessed with it and then you met the one person who made it all up. It was just so amazing. And I was just so amazed that that she wrote this book and all of the films have happened.