Search For feeding In Quotes 9

I believe that the profits will come from the quality of your creative products. Since the beginning I've always wanted to develop a self-feeding circle of creative productions: the positive financial returns from one show would be used to develop and create a new show and so on.

I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.

We're adults. We're the ones who should teach the kids what's good to eat. I don't think the government should ever regulate what we eat at home but we're feeding them in school with tax dollars. Quite frankly if my tax dollars are being spent to feed kids I'd rather feed them better food.

We begin to see therefore the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.

There's a positive side to film and television the sense of feeding into the theater... Your fans will follow you hopefully and be open-minded to see you play other things and experience other stories you want to tell.

For-profit higher education is today a booming industry feeding on the student loans handed out to the desperate.

Breastfeeding is the very best diet I've been on.

But I don't do the diet thing anymore. I'm a big believer in feeding your body what it needs. Deny yourself something and you're going to end up shoving your face full of it.

Feeding is a very important ritual for me. I don't trust people who don't like to eat.

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I'm over the moon to be involved in the 'Doctor Who' Christmas special. I can't quite believe it as it's a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever.