Search For fascinates In Quotes 9

I like work it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.

You see some of these actors they have a permanent smile on their face. How can they do that? It really fascinates me.

Ah the bond between English boys and California girls. For those of us who aren't either it's a bond that fascinates and mystifies. So much of the world's favorite music comes out of that relationship.

The sight of nature fascinates the family tie has a sweet enchantment and patriotism gives the religious spirit a fiery devotion to the powers that it reveres.

The thing that fascinates me is that the way I came to film and television is extinct. Then there were gatekeepers it was prohibitively expensive to make a film to be a director you had to be an entrepreneur to raise money.

What really fascinates me is this need that is so strong now that if you read a work of the imagination you instantly have to say 'Oh what this really is is so-and-so ' reducing it to a simple formula.

Japan is the most intoxicating place for me. In Kyoto there's an inn called the Tawaraya which is quite extraordinary. The Japanese culture fascinates me: the food the dress the manners and the traditions. It's the travel experience that has moved me the most.

The pride of the hipster food movement is sort of annoying but it fascinates me.

I mean language fascinates me anyway and different words have different energies and you can change the whole drive of a sentence.

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Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement is the holy of holies of Jewish time. It is that rarest of phenomena a Jewish festival without food. Instead it is a day of fasting and prayer introspection and self-judgment when collectively and repeatedly we confess our sins and pray to be written into God's Book of Life.