Search For fanning In Quotes 3

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

My dad named me Dakota and my mom came up with my first name Hannah. So it's Hannah Dakota Fanning.

It was really cool to work with Dakota Fanning. I've watched her grow up and I've always loved her films loved her. It was amazing working with someone who was American as well because obviously it's going to be a different energy straightaway. We got on really well she's so professional and hardworking.

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I mean I went to a church school when I was younger and imbibed a certain amount of religion then but it was really in university that I got interested in religion and politics at the same time. I don't think as if it were one moment of conversion but my spiritual journey really began then.