Search For fanaticism In Quotes 5

Am I a criminal? The world knows I'm not a criminal. What are they trying to put me in jail for? You've lost common sense in this society because of religious fanaticism and dogma.

A celibate clergy is an especially good idea because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.

The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism.

In morals what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness in religion what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Fear either as a principle or a motive is the beginning of all evil.

Moderation is part of faith so those who accuse Muslim schools of fostering fanaticism should learn a bit more about Islam.

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I think women get caught up too much in having a plan - 'I'm going to get married at this age I'm going to have a kid at this age' - and then they just try to find a guy who will fit into that picture. I don't want my life to be based on that.