Search For enhanced In Quotes 8

There's no doubt that usually a president's public image is enhanced by going to war. That never did appeal to me.

I do support enhanced interrogation techniques. Obviously their value is shining through with respect to the bin Laden killing.

A lot of victims for example have become addicted to alcohol and drugs. It seems to me that the church's healing ministry is going to be enhanced through this in much broader strokes. That's good it's all positive.

We knew that if the photos of CIA officers conducting authorized EIT (enhanced interrogation techniques) ever got out the difference between a legal authorized necessary and safe program and the mindless actions of some MPs (military police) would be buried by the impact of the images.

In my book I detail the critical information we obtained from al Qaeda terrorists after they became compliant following a short period of enhanced interrogation. I have no doubt that that interrogation was legal necessary and saved lives.

Legislation passed in the aftermath of September 11 2001 enhanced our intelligence capabilities and strengthened our national defense but until now our nation's immigration policies have not adapted to the needs of a post-September 11th world.

The government is also looking at further benefits including enhanced capital allowances the use of Tax Incremental Finance and extra help from UK Trade and Investment on inward investment and trade opportunities.

America's political system has evolved over the last 50 years in ways that have enhanced the power of business lobbies.