Search For eminence In Quotes 5

I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning.

We've got the wind at our back right now. Americans are waking up to the realities of their previous choices. We must keep America moving back to preeminence because our values and conservative ideas are the world's greatest hope.

A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street anymore without a convoy and I am stared at wherever I go like an idiot member of a royal family or an animal in a zoo and zoo animals have been known to die from stares.

The American culture promotes personal responsibility the dignity of work the value of education the merit of service devotion to a purpose greater than self and at the foundation the pre-eminence of family.

There were two things going on: 1) I had already established in my own mind where I wanted to go with the next series and having James around as a Grey Eminence would have complicated matters. He had had an amazing life and it was time to bid him good-bye.

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Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation it also encourages him by its lessons of the unity of Nature and shows him that his power of comprehension allies him with the great intelligence over-reaching all.