Search For elusive In Quotes 8

Many writers upon the science of political economy have declared that it is the duty of a nation first to encourage the creation of wealth and second to direct and control its distribution. All such theories are delusive.

The elusive nature of love... it can be such a fleeting thing. You see it there and it's just fluttering and it's gone.

O sweet delusive Noon Which the morning climbs to find O moment sped too soon And morning left behind.

In the end my pursuit of the elusive New York State driver's license became about much more than a divorced woman's learning to drive for the first time.

Would it be possible that I should not in any degree succeed? I can scarcely think so. Ah delusive hope how much further wilt thou lead me?

The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable a perpetual series of occasions for hope.

What's cool about indie rock is that one band can do effectively the same thing as another band and one band nails it and the other one doesn't. I like that elusiveness.

Ideas are elusive slippery things. Best to keep a pad of paper and a pencil at your bedside so you can stab them during the night before they get away.