Search For eighth In Quotes 5

I was not good in school. I could never read very fast or very well. I got tested for learning disabilities for dyslexia. Then I got put on Ritalin and Dexedrine. I took those starting in the eighth grade. As soon as they pumped that drug into me it would focus me right in.

My dad was the manager at the 45 000-acre ranch but he owned his own 1 200-acre ranch and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.

Every few seconds it changes - up an eighth down an eighth - it's like playing a slot machine. I lose $20 million I gain $20 million.

My son had his eighth birthday recently and we had a chance to borrow the film and show it to all of his friends that was at his birthday party and they loved it. I was a little nervous. I said they might not even like it and say his daddy's movie is wack but they loved it.

Myspace alone has just over 80 million users and ranks as the sixth most popular English language website and the eighth most popular site in the world.

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I'm always told that what I say is controversial. Why is it controversial? Because I speak from a tradition that has now fallen out of favor with the dominant media in this country. And so when I say things like marriage should be between one man and one woman I'm called a bigot.