Search For dutch In Quotes 3

Those Dutchmen had hardly any imagination or fantasy but their good taste and their scientific knowledge of composition were enormous.

Bulls don't read. Bears read financial history. As markets fall to bits the bears dust off the Dutch tulip mania of 1637 the Banque Royale of 1719-20 the railway speculation of the 1840s the great crash of 1929.

With 'Twilight ' you have these massive tomes that you have to condense. With 'Penoza ' we had an eight episode Dutch series that just for the pilot alone I condensed three episodes. So there's a lot of filling in and a ton of invention that has to happen to fill out eight episodes.

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There's all these ways to instantly communicate - cars computers telephone and transportation - and even with all that it's so hard to find people and have an honest communication with them.