Search For drops In Quotes 10

Time itself comes in drops.

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

The bass no matter what kind of music you're playing it just enhances the sound and makes everything sound more beautiful and full. When the bass stops the bottom kind of drops out of everything.

I have glaucoma so use eye drops both morning and night.

There are moments in life when the heart is so full of emotion That if by chance it be shaken or into its depths like a pebble Drops some careless word it overflows and its secret Spilt on the ground like water can never be gathered together.

Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.

What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown - watch the raindrops coming down the window pane?

Happiness is perfume you can't pour it on somebody else without getting a few drops on yourself.

If you ever get rich and famous by definition you are special. You have done something special and therefore you start to behave special. Then if the floor drops out and you become down and out you have a really new perspective.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean if a few drops of the ocean are dirty the ocean does not become dirty.