Search For doctrines In Quotes 9

The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven which was the main teaching of Jesus is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.

I was very restless. I really wanted to be a part of a kind of a progressive society. I was fed up with these Communist doctrines and you were hassled all the time with members of the Party committee who were KGB what you have to do where in the West you can go or not to go.

I will not attack your doctrines nor your creeds if they accord liberty to me. If they hold thought to be dangerous - if they aver that doubt is a crime then I attack them one and all because they enslave the minds of men.

It is remarkable that jealousy of individual property in land often goes along with very exaggerated doctrines of tribal or national property in land.

But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible and the Bible only as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.

Today we often think that before we start living a religious life we have first to accept the creedal doctrines and that before one can have any comprehension of the loyalty and trust of faith one must first force one's mind to accept a host of incomprehensible doctrines. But this is to put the cart before the horse.

Red Letter Christians believe in the doctrines of the Apostle's Creed are convinced that the Scriptures have been inspired by the Holy Spirit and make having a personal transforming relationship with the resurrected Christ the touchtone of their faith.

I think that the core doctrines of Christianity - the incarnation the resurrection life after death-these are as strong as ever. In fact the belief in life after death has increased in this century.

Doctrines provide an architecture for both Republican and Democrat presidents to carry out policies.