Search For disneyland In Quotes 5

We did it Disneyland in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year.

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.

Bad psychoanalysis would say I enjoyed pleasing people working really hard and pleasing people which is probably related to my father in some way. But I really liked working hard. When I worked at Disneyland I'd do 12 hours straight and go home thrilled.

Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.

One I built when I was a kid and it was a real miniature of Disneyland. I fell in love with the park when I went there with my parents on my 12th birthday.

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In third grade I was taking tap-dance lessons and about six weeks before the recital I wanted to quit. My mom said 'No you're going to stay with it.' Well I did it and I was bad too! But my parents never let their kids walk away from something because it was too hard.