Search For disabilities In Quotes 10

Many people with physical disabilities have romantic lives and good marriages to partners who see past their disabilities and recognize all of the things they can do.

Learning disabilities cannot be cured but they can be treated successfully and children with LD can go on to live happy successful lives.

I wanted to translate from one flat surface to another. In fact my learning disabilities controlled a lot of things. I don't recognize faces so I'm sure it's what drove me to portraits in the first place.

I spent a lot of time in the school psychologist's office. I didn't apply myself. My mother thought I had learning disabilities.

I was not good in school. I could never read very fast or very well. I got tested for learning disabilities for dyslexia. Then I got put on Ritalin and Dexedrine. I took those starting in the eighth grade. As soon as they pumped that drug into me it would focus me right in.

I had learning disabilities and I couldn't express myself in the written word.

I went to school for special education. I always assumed when I had the opportunity I would love to try and help kids with disabilities.

People with disabilities have abilities too and that is what this course is all about - making sure those abilities blossom and shine so that all the dreams you have can come true.

Also note that invariably when we design something that can be used by those with disabilities we often make it better for everyone.

Traditionally Medicare's assurance has been that for the elderly and persons with disabilities that they will not be alone when confronted with the full burden of their health care costs.

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I can hardly express in words my deep feeling and sympathy for them knowing as I do the many serious handicaps and obstacles that will confront them in almost every walk of life.