Search For designated In Quotes 9

I don't even drink! I can't stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year's Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don't touch booze - I'm always the designated driver.

On the other hand the waging of peace as a science as an art is in its infancy. But we can trace its growth its steady progress and the time will come when there will be particular individuals designated to assume responsibility for and leadership of this movement.

We are watching industries crumble Wall Street firms disappear unemployment spike and unprecedented government intervention. And our designated opinion leaders want to know: Is Obama up this week? Is he down? And is his leadership style more like Bill Clinton's or Abraham Lincoln's?

The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.

I think 'Dilbert' will remain popular as long as employees are frustrated and they fear the consequences of complaining too loudly. 'Dilbert' is the designated voice of discontent for the workplace. I never planned it that way. It just happened.

A person who has sympathy for mankind in the lump faith in its future progress and desire to serve the great cause of this progress should be called not a humanist but a humanitarian and his creed may be designated as humanitarianism.

I seek a deeper truth but I don't think I have to go to a building designated for worship to find it.

Why should we not expect self-designated environmental leaders to practice what they preach?

Many believe - and I believe - that I have been designated for this work by God. In spite of my old age I do not want to give it up I work out of love for God and I put all my hope in Him.