Search For declining In Quotes 9

I therefore beg that you would indulge me with the liberty of declining the arduous trust.

Breast cancer deaths in America have been declining for more than a decade. Much of that success is due to early detection and better treatments for women. I strongly encourage women to get a mammogram.

I don't remember ever deciding to become a performer. I just always was. I began performing by mimicking the performers on the new television that first took the attention away from me as the baby of the household. I continued performing to put a smile on my grandmother's face and always considered her when accepting or declining roles.

That science has long been neglected and declining in England is not an opinion originating with me but is shared by many and has been expressed by higher authority than mine.

Look at the declining television coverage. Look at the declining voting rate. Economics and economic news is what moves the country now not politics.

I thought to spend my declining years writing poetry and teaching - but that won't pay the Bergdorf's bill. I think I'll move to somewhere life is cheaper.

If you want a future of shared prosperity where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining where the American Dream is alive and well and where the United States remains the leading force for peace and prosperity in a highly competitive world you should vote for Barack Obama.

But if the choice is a cool president and 8 or 10 percent unemployment in a declining economy and a country that seems to be going in the wrong direction and structural unemployment for young people at 50 percent I'd rather have a dorky president who fixed those problems.

Newspapers with declining circulations can complain all they want about their readers and even say they have no taste. But you will still go out of business over time. A newspaper is not a public trust - it has a business model that either works or it doesn't.