Search For daydream In Quotes 8

Travel is impossible but daydreaming about travel is easy.

You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it.

I was a daydreamer and there is a lot of history and geography and science I missed out on because I was in my head. And I regret that.

Every animal has his or her story his or her thoughts daydreams and interests. All feel joy and love pain and fear as we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt. All deserve that the human animal afford them the respect of being cared for with great consideration for those interests or left in peace.

I had daydreams and fantasies when I was growing up. I always wanted to live in a log cabin at the foot of a mountain. I would ride my horse to town and pick up provisions. Then return to the cabin with a big open fire a record player and peace.

I've studied a technique called the Sanford Miesner technique that teaches you how to focus. It's mainly about daydreaming. And the technique's really about imaginary circumstances. Using your imagination to sort of daydream about stuff. It makes you emotional in a scene.

As a little girl I used to daydream about my real father coming on a white horse to rescue me.

In a daydream sort of way I think it would be pretty cool to direct a movie. But I have been on movie and TV sets and know it is hard work. I like directing it in my mind. It is easier.