Search For cripple In Quotes 9

Sex is full of lies. The body tries to tell the truth. But it's usually too battered with rules to be heard and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies.

Poetry criticism at its worst today is mean in spirit and spiteful in intent as if determined to inflict the wound that will spur the artist to new heights if it does not cripple him or her.

Cynicism is the intellectual cripple's substitute for intelligence.

Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books history is silent literature dumb science crippled thought and speculation at a standstill.

I was raised by a lady that was crippled all her life but she did everything for me and she raised me. She washed our clothes cooked our food she did everything for us. I don't think I ever heard her complain a day in her life. She taught me responsibility towards my brother and sisters and the community.

In my dreams I am not crippled. In my dreams I dance.

My life isn't that dramatic. My dad really loves me he just can't talk on the phone. He's too crippled and shy and that's almost harder. He's there and he loves me and I try and try and try it's just impossible to have a relationship.

I am going to miss that time when you take that corner better than anybody else could have taken it on that lap or you do that great qualifying lap or you make that great pass or you bring a crippled car home.

I realised one day that men are emotional cripples. We can't express ourselves emotionally we can only do it with anger and humour. Emotional stability and expression comes from women.

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Fiscal conservatism is just an easy way to express something that is a bit more difficult which is that the size and scope of government and really the size and scope of politics in our lives has grown uncomfortable unwieldy intrusive and inefficient.