Search For countrymen In Quotes 6

Suicide is possible but not probable hanging I trust is even more unlikely for I hope that by the time I die my countrymen will have become civilised enough to abolish capital punishment.

In Lincoln's day a President's religion was a very private affair. There were no public prayer meetings no attempts to woo the Religious Right. Few of Lincoln's countrymen knew anything at all of his religious beliefs.

Let us show our fellow countrymen and the entire world what the Germans can do when they work for peace.

If we love our country we should also love our countrymen.

I love New York. I was sad depressed and incredibly moved by our fellow countrymen and what they've done. I wanted to give people a chance to see something funny have a distraction.

Men of Virginia countrymen of Washington of Patrick Henry of Jefferson and of Madison will ye be true to your constitutional faith?