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Writing for children is bloody difficult books for children are as complex as their adult counterparts and they should therefore be accorded the same respect.

The Finland of the 21st century can thrive only if women of learning - in common with their male counterparts - are guaranteed the opportunity to use their creative potential to the full.

In order to be successful against each of these threats we have to have a presence overseas work closely not only with our counterparts in the law enforcement community but also with the intelligence community.

Democrats can neither control nor predict whether our GOP counterparts are really ready to play chicken with the U.S. economy. But we can assure the American people that our party takes the nation's faith and credit seriously.

Instead of plotting the demise of the traditional family as some politicians and religious leaders would have you believe gay people mow their lawns and watch 'American Idol' and video their children's concerts and have the same hopes and dreams that their straight counterparts do.