Search For corrupting In Quotes 5

Well the role of money in politics is pretty corrupting right now.

I can tell you that too much money is corrupting American politics. Don't blame the American public. The U.S. Supreme Court has a lot to answer for because it has made it impossible for Congress to reduce the corrupting influence of money on American political life.

Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed he who fears corruption fears life.

There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment - and nothing more corrupting.

There is nothing more corrupting nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature than the exercise of unlimited power.

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The national debate on health care once centered on improving access to quality care yet the effect of Obamacare will be the exact opposite resulting in the shameful degradation of care for the neediest individuals.