Search For connecticut In Quotes 4

I'm a nice happily married wife and mom and I live in Connecticut.

I ask the people of Connecticut for their forgiveness I should have paid more attention to people around me and people that I trusted but I am sorry for my actions and take full responsibility.

My family moved a lot as a kid. We started in Colorado where I lived for five years. We moved to Chicago for two years to San Francisco for one year Connecticut for seven Oregon for a couple years and then I went to school.

My family moved a lot as a kid. We started in Colorado where I lived for five years. We moved to Chicago for two years to San Francisco for one year Connecticut for seven Oregon for a couple years and then I went to school. So I was always moving I'm still always moving.

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The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.