Search For congressman In Quotes 10

Congressman Berg will repeatedly talk about Harry Reid and Barack Obama and I find it interesting because this morning when I woke up and brushed my teeth I looked in the mirror and I did not see a tall African-American skinny man. So let's make it clear that my priorities are North Dakota priorities.

The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.

You know that I am living proof that the American Dream is real. Growing up our congressman cut through government bureaucratic red tape to help my mom buy our first house. That's the kind of congressman I'll be.

I've had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.

I supported my friend Congressman Shuler over former Speaker Nancy Pelosi during our party's leadership elections in November citing a need for new leadership.

In my wildest imagination I never thought that the fifth of six children born to Helen and Buddy Watts - in a poor black neighborhood in the poor rural community of Eufaula Oklahoma - would someday be called Congressman.

If you're self-employed between jobs or can't get insurance through work you'll have access to affordable health insurance as good as Congressman Paul Ryan's.

It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to inject market forces into the American health care system they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law.

In addition there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of... Dad.

It's amazing to me that people have any interest in such a low-level sex scandal. If I were sleeping with a congressman maybe but I'm a nobody and the people I'm writing about are nobodies.