Search For collaborative In Quotes 6

But I'm pretty good with collaborative thinking. I work well with other people.

Although filmmaking is collaborative and involves trust ultimately it is the director who holds the whole picture together in their head.

Well first of all making films is a collaborative process. You need people. You need people you trust and love and who are your friends. People you can work with.

Where the stakes are the highest in the war on terror we cannot possibly succeed without extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest degree of intelligence sharing planning and collaborative enforcement.

I'm taking a lot of my favorite artists different people my favorite music and marrying that with what I do as a comic. It's very collaborative arty fun and cool.

I'm very much into the costuming of any character that I portray and it's one of the great things about making movies is it's a collaborative art form so you get all these artists who are looking specifically about for this instance your character's costume and what that might tell about your character.

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Films for TV have to be much closer to the book mainly because the objective with a TV movie that translates literature is to get the audience after seeing this version to pick up the book and read it themselves. My attitude is that TV can never really be any form of art because it serves audience expectations.