Search For coalition In Quotes 10

The plan was criticized by some retired military officers embedded in TV studios. But with every advance by our coalition forces the wisdom of that plan becomes more apparent.

Yes I think it's really important to acknowledge that Dr. King precisely at the moment of his assassination was re-conceptualizing the civil rights movement and moving toward a sort of coalitional relationship with the trade union movement.

What I hope is in five years' time I can go to the British people in the election and say: Lots of you doubted that coalition politics worked but it has worked.

The president led us into the Iraq war on the basis of unproven assertions without evidence he embraced a radical doctrine of pre-emptive war unprecedented in our history and he failed to build a true international coalition.

I clearly believe a lot more than some of my coalition colleagues - Tories - in redistribution and using the tax system for that purpose. I also believe in the government having an active role in the economy which is having an industrial strategy. I'm not a believer in laissez-faire.

Is it a coincidence that in 1998 Barack Obama talks about a majority coalition of welfare recipients and in 2012 we got a record number of Americans on food stamps while he's president? I don't think it's a coincidence.

Since the presidency of Ronald Reagan conservatives have succeeded by adhering to a platform that rests firmly on three legs: smaller government faith and family and a strong national defense. These three legs do not merely represent a political coalition they are three necessary components of a strong and secure America.

My hope is that out of all the anger and seeming hostility that we hear in some of today's music will come some sort of coalition that will become politically involved.

Look the center right coalition in American politics today is best understood as a coalition of groups and individuals that on the issue that brings them to politics what they want from the government is to be left alone.

The problems that the world faces - from nuclear proliferation to climate change - can't be tackled by the West alone. They need a coalition of not just West and East but they need a coalition of Christian and Jew and Muslim.

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I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you're really desperate you say a few prayers and hope for the best. That's the way I've always lived my life.