Search For circulate In Quotes 6

When we create out of our experiences as feminists of color women of color we have to develop those structures that will present and circulate our culture.

I am fascinated by all the new technology that creates places for us to meet in what is called cyberspace. I understand what it must have meant for the rebellions in the 19th century especially in 1830 and 1848 when the mass circulated newspaper became so important for the spreading of information.

To protect people's lives and keep our children safe we must implement public-works spending and do so proudly. If possible I'd like to see the Bank of Japan purchase all of the construction bonds that we need to issue to cover the cost. That would also forcefully circulate money in the market. That would be positive for the economy too.

False opinions are like false money struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing.

Knowledge is like money: to be of value it must circulate and in circulating it can increase in quantity and hopefully in value.

The traditional spokespersons for the Evangelicals such as Chuck Colson and James Dobson have become alarmed about this drift away from the 'Family Values' issues that they believe should be the overwhelming concerns of Evangelicals. They have expressed their displeasure in letters of protest circulated through the religious media.