Search For chelsea In Quotes 6

Chelsea Morning is a great Joni Mitchell song and I guess I'm partial to her lyrics because they show me a slightly different perspective on life.

My hobbies are cooking and gardening especially growing orchids. I love soccer my husband and I support a British team called Chelsea and I also enjoy tennis. We have 3 cats.

Marie Antoinette was funny I'm sure she was just misinterpreted. You know the 'Let them eat cake' line. She seems like she was kind of funny like a Chelsea Handler or Kathy Griffin type.

I married a pretty famous girl and when we drive through town there's usually a car following us when I walk out of my front door in Chelsea there's six guys waiting for me.

Can space break? I mean the space of art galleries. Over the past 100 years art galleries have gone from looking like Beaux Arts salons to simple storefronts to industrial lofts to the gleaming giant white cubes of Chelsea with their shiny concrete floors.

Appropriation is the idea that ate the art world. Go to any Chelsea gallery or international biennial and you'll find it. It's there in paintings of photographs photographs of advertising sculpture with ready-made objects videos using already-existing film.