Search For charges In Quotes 6

The reason Gov. Romney passed Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 was because many Republicans viewed health care reform mandates and all as a way to inoculate against Democratic charges that Republicans didn't care about people who lacked health insurance.

Advertising ministers to the spiritual side of trade. It is great power that has been entrusted to your keeping which charges you with the high responsibility of inspiring and ennobling the commercial world. It is all part of the greater work of the regeneration and redemption of mankind.

The end of the trial and the 'not guilty' verdicts on all counts clearing Michael of all charges mean that he can now concentrate on the future and his art.

Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises.

Most of us would never consider getting our car repaired without first receiving an estimate of the charges but this is exactly what we do when we need to go to a hospital for treatment.

Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating the mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running.