Search For catches In Quotes 10

I've never crashed a wedding. When I was a kid I of course used to crash parties. Crashing a wedding is difficult though because you have to have the suit and you have to have information in case someone catches you. You have to know at least some names and something.

The truth is a snare: you cannot have it without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it but only in such a way that it catches you.

When you're walking down the street or you're at a restaurant someone catches your eye because they have their own look. It goes way beyond what they're wearing - into their mannerisms the way they smile or just the way they hold themselves.

Everything that's bad for you catches on too quickly in America because that's the easiest thing to get people to invest in the pursuits that are easy and destructive the ones that bring out the least positive aspects of people.

Jealousy is not at all low but it catches us humbled and bowed down at first sight.

I do a lot of curiosity buying I buy it if I like the album cover I buy it if I like the name of the band anything that sparks my imagination. I still like to go to record stores I like to just wander around and I'll buy whatever catches my attention.

There's a certain amount of freedom involved in cycling: you're self-propelled and decide exactly where to go. If you see something that catches your eye to the left you can veer off there which isn't so easy in a car and you can't cover as much ground walking.

It is your business when the wall next door catches fire.

If the Frieze Art Fair catches on I imagine at least two great things happening. First we will once again have a huge art fair in town that isn't too annoying to go to. More importantly Frieze may finally show New Yorkers that we can cross our own waters for visual culture. That would change everything.

I'm never overawed by a situation and I think that's because I've always looked several years older than I am. So because people were treating me like I was 40 when I was 29 I've always felt in control of a situation. People used to say when you're 32 you'll look 32. I'm still waiting for that moment where my age catches up with my appearance.

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The Teenage Cancer Trust does incredible work supporting and caring for teenagers and young adults with cancer and it's a cause that is really close to me and my family.