Search For calmness In Quotes 10

It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention.

Science rests on reason and experiment and can meet an opponent with calmness but a belief is always sensitive.

Power is so characteristically calm that calmness in itself has the aspect of strength.

Calmness is the cradle of power.

The more tranquil a man becomes the greater is his success his influence his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

The great constitutional corrective in the hands of the people against usurpation of power or corruption by their agents is the right of suffrage and this when used with calmness and deliberation will prove strong enough.

I think if you exercise your state of mind - my state of mind - is usually more at ease ready for more mental challenges. Once I get the physical stuff out of the way it always seems like I have more calmness and better self-esteem.

He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage hope confidence calmness and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.

There are no better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity modesty and humility a gracious temper and calmness of spirit and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very countenance.

The opposite of anger is not calmness its empathy.

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To drive an F1 car you have to be a little mad. On the morning of a race there's a mix of excitement and fear. If it's a wet track then it's worse as you're not in control most of the time which is the thing all drivers fear the most.