Search For calculations In Quotes 6

War is the unfolding of miscalculations.

My actions to promote peace the mediation missions which I carried out during many conflicts which very often occurred between brothers of the same country are not driven by any ulterior motives or any calculations based on personal ambitions.

Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered but they only make calculations for their own benefit.

It is the mark of a great man that he puts to flight all ordinary calculations. He is at once sublime and touching childlike and of the race of giants.

In any crass political calculation drilling for oil will always win more votes than putting a price on carbon. But if I recall what I was taught in fifth-grade American government class we elect presidents to do more than crass political calculations.

Life it is not just a series of calculations and a sum total of statistics it's about experience it's about participation it is something more complex and more interesting than what is obvious.

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Don't try to tear down other people's religion about their ears Build up your own perfect structure of truth and invite your listeners to enter in and enjoy it's glories.