Search For calculated In Quotes 9

Four years of football are calculated to breed in the average man more of the ingredients of success in life than almost any academic course he takes.

Every society all government and every kind of civil compact therefore is or ought to be calculated for the general good and safety of the community.

I just love movies so suddenly you're political about movies and that's dark. It's just not fun when something you love becomes calculated.

I've always felt that what I have going for me is not my imagination because everyone has an imagination. What I have is a relentlessly controlled imagination. What looks like wild invention is actually quite carefully calculated.

An order of government established by such an all-wise powerful being must be good and perfect and must be calculated to promote the permanent peace happiness and well-being of all his subjects.

Heroes to me are guys that sit in libraries. They absorb knowledge and then the risks they take are calculated on the basis of the courage it took to become replete with knowledge.

Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas to take a calculated risk - and to act.

Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas to take a calculated risk and to act.

We must have courage to bet on our ideas to take the calculated risk and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.