Search For buttons In Quotes 5

And we've got to ask ourselves some very serious questions as to whether or not certain religious leaders in terms of raising money - I hate to bring this up - are pushing hot buttons.

We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them.

Good music comes out of people playing together knowing what they want to do and going for it. You have to sweat over it and bug it to death. You can't do it by pushing buttons and watching a TV screen.

Belly buttons are cool!

We go through the whole season working on next season's car and developing the car and making sure we fit in the car and all that sort of stuff. And we obviously give ideas of what we would hope next year's car would have even if it's small things like buttons on the steering wheel and different positions and whatever.

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I believe that if you're healthy you're capable of doing everything. There's no one else who can give you health but God and by being healthy I believe that God is listening to me.