Search For boost In Quotes 9

It's difficult to get started-when it comes to dealing with an unknown quantity people are reluctant to trust their own opinion. It helps if two or three people give you a boost.

We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence trust gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time.

If we can produce more ethanol and bio-diesel to help fuel our vehicles we will create jobs boost local economies and produce cleaner burning fuels. This will keep dollars here at home where they can have a positive impact on our economy.

I need to add that my work on multiple intelligences received a huge boost in 1995 when Daniel Goleman published his book on emotional intelligence. I am often confused with Dan. Initially though Dan and I are longtime friends this confusion irritated me.

I think the advent of the Internet gave us all a big boost because by the time the Internet became mainstream and you could get it in your home a lot of us were used to dealing in fan culture writing to magazines or anything at the back of comic books.

By adopting a wonderful mutt you'll save a life and help reduce animal homelessness while also boosting your chances of a more robust new furry friend as mixed-breed dogs have demonstrated better health and longer life spans than their purebred cousins.

Back in the mid-1970s we adopted some fairly ambitious goals to improve efficiency of our cars. What did we get? We got a tremendous boost in efficiency.

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it's amazing what they can accomplish.

Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos.