Search For bluegrass In Quotes 3

Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world. You meet people at festivals and renew acquaintances year after year.

I like all kinds of music. I listen to Abigail Washburn the Punch Brothers and Marc Johnson the great clawhammer player. I also listen a lot to Sirius Radio there's a lot of bluegrass there.

I feel good about being able to take bluegrass on to television like 'Letterman' and 'The View ' and I've heard nice things about being able to do that. I really haven't felt any negativity toward me or my music.

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What the F.D.I.C. does is to put the full faith and credit of the United States government behind every savings account in the nation up to a limit that has changed over the years and stands now at $100 000.