Search For blogger In Quotes 5

I'm learning a lot about the culture of weight loss. I didn't know there were bloggers out there who were proud to be fat.

Attending that Convention and talking with those people and many others convinced me that I should become a blogger in my efforts to reform the government and uphold the integrity of the Constitution and the laws made in furtherance thereof.

My girlfriend Siri is a food blogger and we both love to entertain and eat. This is what happens when you're in your thirties: what was once a passion and real appetite for nightlife in New York City manifests itself into other things like entertaining at home.

Everyone has this perception that the bloggers they say horrible things about you and they hide behind their computers where you can't see them.

I just wanna thank all those amazing Internet bloggers out there that hate me day-to-day. I love you! You rock!

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When I was a kid I took 'The Brady Bunch' and 'The Partridge Family' very seriously. It was a world to me in the same way that the Greek myths would have been had I read them. You know Marcia is Athena and Mr. Brady is Zeus.