Search For blaming In Quotes 10

We're understanding what Obama is. He is the great teacher. He is this guy that stands above everybody. There's some condescension in it but he stands above everybody and says 'Now listen. You people have to stop blaming each other unreasonably. You have to get along here and I am going to show you the way.' It is a pretty brave role in many ways.

I'm crazy about Grant: his character his nature his science in fighting and everything else. But I don't like the idea that he never accepted the blame for anything always found someone else to blame for any mistake that was ever made including blaming Prentiss for Shiloh.

I'm not blaming my mom for my life because I am responsible for me and nobody can change me or ruin me easier than I can.

You can't live your life blaming your failures on your parents and what they did or didn't do for you. You're dealt the cards that you're dealt. I realised it was a waste of time to be angry at my parents and feel sorry for myself.

It's a great excuse and luxury having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don't have to work you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own.

There was a time I was very much blaming the way I felt on L.A that it was a vacuum of creativity of humor or anything organic and I was really angry at the place. But then today I feel completely different - I love L.A.!

For a person who promised hope and civility in politics Mr. Obama has shown a borderline obsessiveness in blaming Mr. Bush.

Barack Obama's life was so much simpler in 2009. Back then he had refined the cold act of blaming others for the bad economy into an art form. Deficits? Blame Bush's tax cuts. Spending? Blame the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. No business investment? Blame Wall Street.

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.

I'm only going to stand before God and give an account for my life not for somebody else's life. If I have a bad attitude then I need to say there's no point in me blaming you for what's wrong in my life.

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Guys are simple... women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated as they are only way more mysterious. The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically.