Search For bitten In Quotes 4

I wasn't originally taking drama but the drama teacher asked me to audition for Bye Bye Birdie. I did and got the lead role. Initially I was kind of scared but once I did it I got bitten by the bug and loved it.

Mankind is like dogs not gods - as long as you don't get mad they'll bite you - but stay mad and you'll never be bitten. Dogs don't respect humility and sorrow.

Having in my life been bitten by the jaws of both victory and defeat I must rush to add that success is to failure as butter pecan ice cream is to death.

I really liked the helicopter pilot in 'Dawn of the Dead' when he gets bitten and comes out of the elevator. That guy was amazing. He did this incredible walk that we didn't even know about until we started shooting.

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The superior man is the providence of the inferior. He is eyes for the blind strength for the weak and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen. He rises by lifting others.