Search For biased In Quotes 7

Women face enough pressures and challenges in a workplace that is still depressingly biased against a female's success. Add to that the fact that the very thing many women I know find most rewarding (having kids) is now frowned upon.

Unlike scientism science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena.

Men are often biased in their judgment on account of their sympathy and their interests.

I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed.

Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.

Never refuse an assignment except when there is a conflict of interest a potential of danger to you or your family or you hold a strongly biased attitude about the subject under focus.

The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.