Search For betting In Quotes 7

All pro sports as well as the NCAA should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games.

Delaware is the only state east of the Rockies that is allowed under federal law to offer sports betting.

Sports betting is all about money management so the most money won on one event is not the most important thing.

Making movies is just like betting on horses at the racetrack.

Gambling is legal and betting is legal for what I bet.

There aren't a lot of ironclad rules of family life but here's one: No matter how much your parents deny it - and here's betting they deny it a lot - they have a favorite child. And if you're a parent so do you.

What is faith but a kind of betting or speculation after all? It should be I bet that my Redeemer liveth.

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Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow next week next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.