Search For batting In Quotes 5

Many people have their reputations as reporters and analysts because they are on television batting around conventional wisdom. A lot of these people have never reported a story.

I had very good support from Democrats and Republicans all throughout my administration. I had a very high batting average. We added more jobs per year in my four years than any other president since the Second World War.

Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats for your people: batting averages home runs errors ERAs win/loss records. You could see what they did well and poorly and call on the right people to play the right positions in a very transparent way.

We have to judge politicians by their cumulative score. In one innings they make a great catch in another they drop the ball. In one they score a home run in another they strike out. But it is their cumulative batting average that we are interested in.

Maybe I'm delusional but I'm usually funny. It's not 100% but I have a pretty good batting average.

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I feel quite sad for the young musicians coming up because they may never get to pay their rent properly. It doesn't matter what the genre nowadays it's so much harder than it ever was.