Search For baton In Quotes 3

Marriage is like twirling a baton turning hand springs or eating with chopsticks. It looks easy until you try it.

A young imagination is bold likes to make bigger leaps. It likes to well imagine that the dustbuster is a dinosaur that the computer mouse is a hotrod that the box is a cave that the rawhide is a torch... or a baton... or something.

Some of the greatest actors have turned superheroes into a serious business: Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson in 'Batman' Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart the first venerable knights of the X-Men who have now passed the baton to Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.

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They're a different generation those kids kids that are under the age of twelve. They're not that impressed by rock music you know what I mean? They're like it's cool and everything but whatever. They're just as impressed by YouTube.