Search For barren In Quotes 10

Wise sayings often fall on barren ground but a kind word is never thrown away.

The battle for the mind of Ronald Reagan was like the trench warfare of World War I: never have so many fought so hard for such barren terrain.

In Israel a land lacking in natural resources we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.

I love music passionately. And because I love it I try to free it from barren traditions that stifle it.

You know my friends with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house favored old barren reason from my bed and took the daughter of the vine to spouse.

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

Power without principle is barren but principle without power is futile. This is a party of government and I will lead it as a party of government.

Revenge is barren of itself: it is the dreadful food it feeds on its delight is murder and its end is despair.

Men have looked upon the desert as barren land the free holding of whoever chose but in fact each hill and valley in it had a man who was its acknowledged owner and would quickly assert the right of his family or clan to it against aggression.

Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.

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As a young boy I read 'Cheaper by the Dozen' and immediately became neurotic about my use of time. It taxed me severely but only for the next 50 years. But I think it also allowed me to discipline myself to sit in the chair and be a writer where one of the most needed qualities is patience.