Search For ballroom In Quotes 6

As a former football player who has carried a football more than 4 000 times trust me I did not go into ballroom dancing with my body being 100 percent with no aches or pains or ailments coming with me. When you're dancing you're doing stuff that your body's not used to and so you start to aggravate those old injuries.

I've tried to make 'Strictly Ballroom' impossible to date. It does feel a bit '80s but I consciously made sure there was no technology in the movie that could date it.

The real act of marriage takes place in the heart not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make - not just on your wedding day but over and over again - and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife.

One of the pleasant duties of America's most famous announcers during the relatively short swing era of the big bands was to host late-night remotes from some of the most famous ballrooms throughout the country.

My father made sure that I had lots of levels of education - from ballroom-dancing to painting commando training theatre and magic.

When it came to the stylish and graceful art of ballroom dancing my dad was a king of the clubs a prowling tiger and a wonderfully natural mover.