Search For automated In Quotes 4

Pretty soon we'll have robots in our society you're going to have a lot of automated processes that used to be done by people - this is happening. Society and technology is changing so fast and the impact of the change on society and technology is global not local.

The chief product of an automated society is a widespread and deepening sense of boredom.

Recently I have come to assume that any call to my landline is from a telemarketer or an automated call from Terminex letting me know that our regularly scheduled pest-extermination service will occur on its regular schedule. So I usually ignore my home phone.

Over the eons I've been a fan of and sucker for each latest automated system to 'simplify' and 'bring order to' my life. Very early on this led me to the beautiful-and-doomed Lotus Agenda for my DOS computers and Actioneer for the early Palm.