Search For audio In Quotes 9

But when we started our product portfolio we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets.

From a technical point of view there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing the boom in digital audio has already happened.

The beautiful thing about hip-hop is it's like an audio collage. You can take any form of music and do it in a hip-hop way and it'll be a hip-hop song. That's the only music you can do that with.

If you can understand the humor in the drawing part you'll probably get the humor in the audio part.

I hope there are some audiophiles still out there.

Hollywood has its own way of telling stories. I was just telling stories that I was familiar with. And it's what I want to do in the future: I want to take my audio cinema and put it on the screen.

Yes I've listened to just a few audiobooks - but hope to listen to more. I've wanted to investigate how my own books sound in this format and find the experience of listening and not reading quite fascinating.

So a more sensible thing it seemed to me was to go to Silicon Valley and be pushing on the technology companies to accelerate the use of audio and music in computers.

I read murder mysteries. I exercise 40 minutes a day. I watch videotapes while I exercise. I listen to audiotapes when I am in my car. And I try to stay in three different centuries.