Search For assistants In Quotes 4

A pencil and rubber are of more use to thought than a battalion of assistants. To happiness the same applies as to truth: one does not have it but is in it.

If you take a bunch of superstars and put them in a room where they don't have their assistants and entourage it's funny to see what happens.

In any case his judgment and set of values acting alone or through his assistants determine not only what is gold and what is dross but the design of the history which he creates out of the metal. The historian decides what is significant and what is not.

I don't like to work with assistants. I'm already one too many the camera alone would be enough.

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The phrase 'off with the crack of the bat' while romantic is really meaningless since the outfielder should be in motion long before he hears the sound of the ball meeting the bat.