Search For assignments In Quotes 7

Women were seldom given quality assignments or adequate air time.

My schedule has slowed a little. I've cut back on some of my assignments. But I still have the enthusiasm for the sports world that I had 38 years ago.

Listen I have a great affection and respect for Joe Biden. I think he's been a great vice president. He's taken on a lot of tough assignments for our administration.

I'd go down to the end of my street to a garage that had a certain feeling about it or a particular light I'd take a picture of a friend who needed a head shot. That's how I learned instead of having school assignments and learning camera techniques.

In the military I learned that 'leadership' means raising your hand and volunteering for the tough important assignments.

It was so much fun to have the freedom to wander America with no assignments. For 25 or 30 years I never had an assignment. These were all stories I wanted to do myself.

When I enrolled in college at age 19 I had a total of eight years of formal classroom education. As a result I was not comfortable with formal lectures and receiving regular homework assignments.